Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Time, Part 1

December went by fast...especially the last few days.  On Friday afternoon, we headed up to Erie to see my family.  With good weather, we made it up there early and squeezed in a yummy dinner at Ricardo's.  They have the best filet mignon and had been closed for awhile because of a fire.  So, we got to see what they rebuilt and enjoy their food once again.  We took a ride down and showed Jesse where we got
married since it was just a couple of blocks away. 

Saturday morning we headed over to my brother's place where he fixed a fantastic breakfast spread for us all.  This was followed by an unwrap fest.  It seems my Mom initially had some trouble hanging up coats and fell into their closet.  I did not witness this, but apparently in the way she landed her feet ended up in the air, but thankfully she was not hurt in the process.  Everyone got lots of good treats and a fun time was had by all.