Sunday, March 25, 2012

March on the move

Here we are going into the last week of March's hard to believe. Mostly, it is because we have been able to go outside and enjoy the spring weather early. Actually, when you are hitting 80 degrees with sunshine, it is bordeline summer temps. So, I haven't been on to post our March activities...but there is lots to report.

March started out with Hiland's Youth Group Dinner Theater production. Many long hours, many devoted volunteers and terrific kids made it all possible and a huge success. Eric was fantastic (although I suppose I could be considered biased)...he played Pajama Jones in his main skit. Each performance was unique and somewhat of surprise. It was a treat to watch them all get up there and be so entertaining. It's an annual tradition so if you have not gotten the opportunity to see it, you may want to try for next year. They raise money that goes toward their summer mission camp/trip. Eric is looking forward to that adventure and opportunity to be of help to others too.

Let's see...what else has been going on. Eric played in Band-o-Rama at the school. I think his favorite was playing 'Sweet Caroline.' Who knew Neil Diamond's song would appeal to the younger generation with this becoming a popular pep rally kind of song.  Also, posted a little out of order, at the end of February, Grammy brought down my niece & nephew to hang out with their cousin.  We spent the day at the Science Center...earning a t-shirt, playing with robots & having lots of fun together.  Jesse and I also went to PPG to skate one evening. It was our very first time although we have been by it downtown for several years now.  Surprisingly this rink is actually bigger than Rockefeller too.  We had a lot of fun wearing ourselves out chasing each other around and around...& falling a few times each :)

Then, as the weather got nice, we got those bikes (& roller blades) out. We had a picnic and did a couple rounds at North Park enjoying the unseasonal weather. This weekend wasn't as sunny so we went to the theater. We checked out the long-awaited Hunger Games. The movie was well-done, although I found the premise was a little unsettling. However, it did not go into as great of detail as the series of books that it was based on so that was not for me to judge in not having all of that information. It didn't seem like almost 2 1/2 hrs so that is a good indication of a good theater production. So, that's basically our happenings that carry us officially into!