Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Birthday Bounty

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Break for cake!

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Our conductors

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Trolleys everywhere!

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On the trolley

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Eric trying to block our view

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A Tent with a View

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4th of July.....& beyond

We are spoiled in that we can see the local fireworks from our front yard.  This year, we happen to have the tent set up there.  We were watching Despicable Me via projector and could just pause it and turn our heads to "ooh" and "ahh" at the beautiful display....& then, it rained.  That was a little unexpected but the tent didn't leak & it stopped before the end of the movie so it's all good.

The Trolley Museum was another adventure we checked out.  We drove down to Washington, PA to see a bunch of different kinds of trolleys and even got to go for a ride on one.  Historical & interesting.

We can't forget Eric's birthday either.  It was not our usual celebration...but it was stretched out through a week & filled with lots of fun.  He had some buddies over and they played...what else....XBox.  They had a cool cake that Jon made, as is the tradition.  Eric & I hung out the weekend before his birthday together while Jon & Jess were recruited for a deck project at Grandma & Grandpas.  On Eric's birthday, he actually left for Pittsburgh Project (youth group work camp) and he worked hard there but had a terrific week.

Can't believe we already started school shopping & it starts back up in less than a month....with a new addition....marching band....sometimes called football season here....lol,  let the new adventure begin (but hopefully not take over our lives!?!)!!!

Amazing Reflections

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Captivating Sparkles

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Chicken fight

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Indoor pool fun

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Sprinkle, sprinkle, little stars

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It was pouring!

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Mirror, Mirror was Dive In Movie by the pool...& yes, I'm loungin (my feet)

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So much fun

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Fierce Bop It Competition

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No, I'm not smiling...what of it

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Not bad for a camera sitting on a post with a timer!

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What a lunch bunch

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Got an excuse to ram into my son :)

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How did they know?!?

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Liking the Loch Ness

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Buried treasure

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Keeping cool...& salted

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