Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July Flies By

Wow....can't believe that it was over a month ago that we went on vacation.  Then again, it seems like we keep going & going nonstop!  I can hardly keep track of who will be where on any given day lately.  That isn't usually the case for summertime, but it certainly has been this year.  Crazy busy.
I had meant to post more pictures from our vacation but then never got back to it.  I actually have to look back through first because I can't even remember where I was to know where to start.  Sheesh!

The last picture I had posted was actually toward the end of our week.  Getting everyone in the same place at the same did not seem to happen often.  We were around the resort alot though as it had lots to offer....indoor pool, outdoor pools, activities, beautiful scenery.  We actually had a jacuzzi in our "condo" too...talk about convenient.  There was a upper & lower deck that we could hang out on as well.  That became my morning coffee station.  I actually went to water aerobics three mornings, attempted to go for a run with my hubby, tried out colonial dancing and went on a ghost tour....not something you do everyday!

It got hotter through the week so there was definitely lots of pooltime amongst our touring.  We ventured out to Virginia Beach for a day too.  Busch Gardens was a neat place to take in lots of different rides and sights. "No more boarding, no more boarding, no more boarding" became a favorite phrase from our tram rides to and from our cars.

Anyway, that's about all I have for a recap now...should have dove into recalling the trip sooner as I think my brain is fried now from the summer heat... but it really was a fun family vacation and beautiful place.