Saturday, August 18, 2012

Summer Sound Off

We have definitely been adventurous this summer.  August started out with us "Sleeping in the Dirt" up in New Castle as a fundraiser with some church friends.  This trip was minus Eric but plus the dogs.  I think we all weren't sure how it was going to go, but we were willing to give it a try.  Turns out, dew was the worst we really had (ok & not much sleep thanks to some chatty ladies) but both certainly minor and fully recoverable.  The reached their goal to help build shelter in the Dominican Republic as it made the front page of their newspaper.  We had not seen our friends in awhile too so we had some opportunity to catch up with smiles and s'mores before catching some zzzzzs.

We played the rest of the weekend by ear which ended up leading us to have lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe followed by a ride on the river on the Gateway Clipper.  That evening, Jesse begged us to go bowling so we gave that a go as well.  Jon tried to bowl left hand and towards the end I made an attempt to bowl right handed.  Funny thing, it was very challenging for Jon score-wise, but surprisingly it was a fairly easy conversion to me.  You could say most bowling balls are meant for right handers but who knows.  I am still no pro, but learned there is something that I can actually do with my weaker right hand...who knew??!!

We got Eric back for a few days...although he still had/has many hours of band practice in that time.  During one of those long practice times, we went to Members Night at the zoo.  We had a fun time, even fighting the crowds.  We got to see the wild dogs up close and Jesse got to ride in the caboose of the train.  We saw the new Komodo dragons too...there is always something new and different to check out there.  Fun times.

At the end of the week, we parted ways...AGAIN.  Since the weather didn't cooperate for my day off to go to Sandcastle, Jesse & I drove up to Erie Friday afternoon...stopping at the Log Cabin Inn.  We tried the Mud Pie in addition to the traditional Peanutbutter Pie...& oh, that was NOT a letdown :)  We got up  there and decided to try "another hand"  at bowling with my Mom.  Jesse tried a heavier ball, I was a 'switch hitter' and we both had much better games than our last time.  Grammy showed us up, but considering how long and often she bowls, she still should.  It was fun and I think Jesse would like to go more often.  He doesn't do bumpers at all and has fun with the adventure of not knowing if or what you might knock down each turn.    On Saturday, we drove out past Chataqua Lake to Sugar Grove for our Wawrjeko family reunion on a blustery day that felt more like November.  They were just about to change to more of a 'Wickwire' reunion when some Wawrjeko name carriers showed up!  We enjoyed ourselves...lots of yummy food, games, white elephant exchange and I got to meet our newest little cousin Evelyn.  Can't help but feel a bit old holding the kid of the kid you changed diapers and babysat oh so long ago...but she was a sweetie and in high demand.  I kept telling everyone to "get your own baby" but they didn't listen well...or mostly already have...they just all grew up!

Sunday was no winner weather-wise either, but we headed to an indoor shelter (luckily) for my niece's birthday party.   They enjoyed that too...with her favorites being "horses" and "hotwheels" right now.  I can hardly believe she is headed for kindergarten soon...then again, we have a teenager and another about to hit double digits.  They told me I'm as old as dirt at the reunion...but there were many there that were older than dirt

Meanwhile, Eric was off to band camp for the whole week and Jon stayed back with "the girls" (Cindy & Fudge).  We missed our big boy but Grammy and Grandpa came in for a special Monday event.   Jesse presented the colors with the scouts at the Pirate game that evening.  It was a BEAUTIFUL evening weather wise.  We kind of knew what to expect so brought binoculars to see our little peanut out there and on the big screen.  It was exciting and although the Bucs were in the game, they didn't pull it out losing 5-4 to the Dodgers.

Jon and Jesse "worked" at the Science Center on Tuesday and Thursday while I worked ALL week wasn't really a fun one either, but we all made it through.  On Wednesday as a treat, they came down and had lunch with me at Max n' Ermas on FREE COOKIE DAY.  After that, those two headed out to Steelers Training Camp.  Jesse got a few autographs and a couple of pictures and definitely liked being there to see them play.

At the end of our week, we got to go up to see what the band had been working on all week.  A couple of our "ballooning" friends that were up in the area joined us there too.  It was a nice evening and we were all impressed.  They have fifty rookies and what a fantastic job they all did there.  It was wonderful and I know just how much work and effort goes into those '15 minutes' that the crowds see as they make it look so easy.  He had a wonderful time and he said several times he really missed Jesse so them being reunited was a warm and fuzzy for us to say the least.  Now Eric's positive depiction of being a rookie went something like this (talking to Jesse): Oh, you wil LOVE holding all the doors for everyone AND you set the tables AND you get to do and get whatever the seniors want whenever they ask.  He told us he carried a brick for two days...he got "Bonus Time" with it because he forgot to bring it with him somewhere on the first day.  Ahh..tradition & the process of moving up in the ranks...sad for the seniors departure, but knowing that he will no longer be "the rookie" at camp going forward...learning the tricks of the trade.  So, as I type this, he is and has been cocooned in his room for several hours now as last night was "the all nighter."  I can't report all the details (in not knowing them) but I know there was pizza, KFC, pie, and water balloon battles.  We got to "experience" his cabin too...8 eight grade boys in a small room...they claimed it smelled that bad BEFORE they got there.  I don't know about that, but am sure they added to it.  We were impressed with the camp and how polite and respectful everyone is...we commend the many leaders for setting such a fine example and sharing incredible talent and their exceptional teaching ability with them.  They give their can really tell and it is just amazing.  In playing tenor sax, I "know his part" for Pinball Wizard and it seemed surreal to watch your son in a stellar performance of music that I had played back in the day and just love it too.  Eric already has all of his music memorized and they sound much to look forward to as he puts the uniform on and marches out on that football field.  Stay KNOW we will :)