Monday, September 10, 2012

Fallin' short on September updates

Well, part of me was dreading the interface on my laptop figuring I will be encountering grief again trying to upload pictures.  However, I was a little confused trying to reorient myself as to where we had left off.  Since my last post was via phone app, it was not so easy to figure out.  So, again I start out by backtracking a bit to Labor Day weekend....FOOTBALL season begins!  It is school time again.  Getting into routine, figuring out our week, it is not always an easy task...hence the ability to get to anything else in that mix.

Anywho, here we are...recapping the last month now.  It was SOO EXCITING having Eric march out on that field at the stadium we have been driving my numerous times for the last umpteen years.  He has been working so hard all summer long practicing and preparing for this.  His love for music has only grown stronger too.  Under terrific leadership and through great teaming, he has just grown so much.  It is just amazing, so exciting and wonderful to hear and see their progress.  They trained well and are absolutely, crisp, fun...just awesome.  The unfortunate part is that this just can not be captured in pictures or even videos, but I will give it a try anyway.