Sunday, December 30, 2012

Whirlwind Week

As school let out, the week of our "festivities" began.  First, we had a Christmas party for Jon's work.  He made a pecan pie for the occasion, we enjoyed lots of other yummy treats prepared by his co-workers and got to watch Home Alone on the many big screens in the Works theater.  The next day, Craig, Christie, Joe, Angie Mom & Larry showed two separate cars as that's a lot of people.  We all went out for a Mexican dinner together that evening after making a Gingerbread train/station together.  Putting together one of those kits together has kind of become one of our  traditions. The next morning we got up, ate some yummy casseroles for breakfast and then went to church for the Christmas Cantata.  Although it was a rough start that included a startling delay of the program, they all put on a terrific performance.  Jon sang while Eric played trombone and it was a wonderful celebration of Christmas.  My niece sat quietly on my lap almost the whole time for this event too...impressive.  After that, we came home to prepare for what turned out the be the Steeler's demise.  Rather than watch that, Christie, my Mom & I went to see Jack Reacher. Somehow, even after a wrong turn, we still got there in time for the opening scene of the movie which featured lots of Pittsburgh, particularly where I have spent much of my work time downtown and along the North Shore.  After the movie, the Andersons packed up and headed home.  It had been awhile since we had seen them all and it was really was nice to spend some time all together with them.

Grammy & Larry stayed on with us for a couple more days and I think having the other side of the house helped out in terms of additional space accomodations.  We all went to the Christmas Eve service where Jesse thought he was "promoted" in getting to play the offeratory.  He was confident and did a great job.  Eric got roped into collecting the offeratory and helped light the candles for this service too.  It was a special evening and important reminder of what Christmas is and should be about.  I went back to the 8pm service to see Jon sing in a trio.  It was a catchy calypso-style song and he sounded wonderful.  One of my dear friends also walked up and gave me this huge tray of cookies, not even knowing we had just finished off our Christmas cookies just earlier that day.  You can't buy and give gifts like we saw and experienced then and there...truly priceless.

Christmas morning was not quite what we expected in that the kids did not stir and wake up as early as "usual".   Jon & I were prepared, camera in hand (along with a couple of dogs) but it stayed quiet until about 7:30am so we enjoyed this peace & quiet along with some coffee before all the rest came about.  We enjoyed our gifts and another french toast casserole, this time prepared by Eric.  There were no leftovers so he must have done a good job on that.  Grammy and Larry then headed back home after our morning festivities.

Later that day, we skyped with Addision and the Iowa family/crew as well as Grandma, Grandpa & Nana in central PA.  The kids cheered at the suggested possibility that they might come out that evening to avoid some bad weather headed our/their way.  It turns out, they did just that so we had more visitors through the rest of our week.  We opened more great gifts, played some games, made some lemon meringue pie and went to see a movie together. Jon made some tasty ham and cheesy potatoes and improvised with some beef tips to make a savory dish served over rice.

I probably forgot something in there, but that's as much as my old mind can remember for now.  It was a special and enjoyable week.  I am thankful that although there was a looming feeling of being overwhelmed, not caught up or ready for everything and everyone, the Christmas spirit took over and took care of it all.  I am so thankful for the wonderful family we have that always surrounds us with laughter, light and love...even if it gets a bit loud at is well worth it :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snowman surprise

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Mindbending Fun

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The pie makers

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Sneaks up on ya!

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Massaging the head

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More family more unwrapping

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Our very own blue man

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Boxing gloves?

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& there's more...

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Opening the biggest find the NH band pillow!

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The desired "Twin Mill 1"

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Two up & ready?

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One's up...but forgot his glasses

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Entertaining ourselves with timed pictures waiting for kids to wake up

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Christmas morning

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A very quiet Christmas morning

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Loving the candlelight service

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Ready to play...Forest Green (Offeratory for 5:30pm Christmas Eve service)

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Honest, we didn't lock her up there :)

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Twister...with dog participation

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The Cantata @ Hiland

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The moment Angela begged for...opening presents!

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Say "Emiliano's" (out to dinner...Mexican)

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All stacked up

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