Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Surprise Ending

So, after we all went to Jesse's scout pack meeting Christmas party, we came home "as usual."  However, what we came home to was highly unusual....we found our garage door was open with the light flashing, a car was parked blocking our driveway and here are FOUR police officers and their dog in our garage.  We quickly learned they were searching for someone in the area and suspected that they may be in or have gone in our home.  So, they proceeded to search the property with guns drawn and 'secured the premises'.  Talk about scary!  Fortunately all they found was our two yappy dogs, no evidence of anyone going in or being in our house.  Thank goodness. However, our dogs then searched the house, being very upset that another dog was all over the place and they had to go and sniff everywhere the police dog did.   Jon also went out and explained to the concerned neighbors what was going on and then things returned to (our) usual.  The next morning we saw the news about the search that transpired and learned that they still had not found their guy :(  I guess you never know & some times like this we feel we a little too close to the city.