Monday, February 25, 2013

Short, but interesting, month

Crazy cold days...there were alot of them, even for a short month.  Eric has had several band performances, two area honor bands, jazz band and coming up this week we have band-o-rama (and again he is in more than one of those).  We are looking forward to hearing them play, especially their marching music again....starting to go through withdrawl after so many weeks of seeing them out there on the field.  Fabulous to watch and great to hear....everytime.

It was our first time at their Mardi Gras performance so we learned the ropes...which consisted of lots of jazz music...and PIE...& I mean LOTS.  They played lots of great music including an array of Stevie Wonder hits and Blues Brothers music up at the Ross Community Center.  It was a great turnout and event.

Eric balanced out playing with pep band after play practice which included some white makeup residue, but that certainly didn't stop him.  In fact, he is gearing up for his next performance as a wizard in the Hiland's Dinner Theater this coming weekend.

As for Jesse and I, our planned visit to Erie got delayed almost a month after I was down and out with some bug.  The timing worked out to go up and celebrate my Mom's birthday though so that was a fun time.  We got to hang out with the cousins & see Aunt Sue and eat lots of yummy food.  My mom fixed me my favorite dinner, we went to our favorite restaurant & who can refuse Dairy Queen ice cream certainly matters not if it is cold and snowy outside :)

We actually encountered an unexpected visitor on Valentine's Day but Jon managed to escort s mouse out of our house in the wee hours of the night.  Another unexpected happening was what I will call  a newbie Steeler, who has been in the news more than he would like to be, coming to look at and almost renting the other side of the house.  Although it was close to being a done deal, it fell through but was still very unexpected and bizarre. You just never know :)

So, that's a wrap on February. The calendar already looks so filled up for March, but juggling has become a part of our lives.  Whether it is Eric with Jazz Band practice, Taekwondo, trombone lesson with Mr. Lucas or helping with the lenten program, we figure out how to make it happen.  Then, there is Jesse with scouts (who will soon be crossing over on Mar 9th!), spanish after school, taking a cartoon class at the art center along with continuing on with piano (he's really getting good!).  Nonstop, but then again, I guess we wouldn't want to be bored...yet :)