Sunday, March 10, 2013

In like a lion?

Well, it definitely moved in quickly because here we are already a couple of weeks into it. Although my big work project deployment went very well, it was still very time consuming & stressful.  At the same time, lots of family came in & gathered around to see the Wizard, not of Oz but of Hiland in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Love, the annual Dinner Theater performance. That went well & we always enjoy the singing, dancing & dreams.

This week was a little less crazy although there was a snow day right smack dab in the middle. However, the kids made the best of it by going to work with their Dad. Poor Jon might have picked up something extra there, however because Friday was his day of doom, healthwise.

He did start to bounce back Saturday though as we all went to see the new Oz movie. Later, we had the Blue & Gold banquet where Jesse earned his Arrow of Light award & crossed over to Boy Scouts. After eight years between both boys, that is certainly an end of an era or at least a chapter which has brought lots of joy & adventure to us through the years. Time keeps flying...glad we keep blogging....doesn't slow us down but leaves us with some breadcrumbs to trace back our path at times.