Thursday, April 04, 2013

Fast March Cadence

Not sure what made this month go by so fast, you would think time FROZE...the temps certainly did! We had lots going on as usual.  We have our upstairs bathroom mostly redone with the help of Jon's Dad.  Eric and Jesse had a couple band concerts.  Eric also helped out with the Lenten after school program at church, continues on with TKD, YDP and SHOE (he likes acronyms).  Jesse took a cartoon drawing class at the art center and spanish after school and, of course, continues on with his piano...getting jazzy.

& then there is our whirlwind vacation plans.  All of a sudden, we are going to FL, leaving right after school lets out.  I had submitted an abstract and outline proposal back in January for a conference breakout session related to the project that has been my life for the last many months. It turns out, they accepted it and I will be speaking at the IBM Innovate 2013 conference.  I'm excited as I actually presented at a different conference at the same location nine years ago.  So, in theory, I should be less nerve-wracked being so old and wiser now, haha.  Anyway, most of our adventure will actually be at Universal and Discovery Cove this time which will be a change for us.  However, given our kids ages and interest, we are ready to move on and indeed looking forward to our fun in the sun.  According to Eric, FL is the next best thing to CA in terms of vacation (however, he has never been to HI!!!).

So, our month finished out with a relatively quiet and relaxing Easter.  We stayed home, Eric played his trombone in a quartet arrangement while Jon sang in the choir and we had a "Thanksgiving" kind of dinner with my Mom and Larry visiting.  They were pleased with their Easter basket treats, even if the Easter Bunny didn't hide them (very well, according to Eric) and I was still able to spoof them in an egg hunt held next door.  We saw and enjoyed the movie, the Croods together too. On Monday morning, I think I played my first April Fool's joke on Eric.  It went so well, I may have to try to outdo myself next year/going  I came across it (on the internet, of course) about cutting out Brown "E"s and giving them to someone as a treat.  Eric is always a great candidate for such a trick and although he was disappointed, I think he appreciated how clever I was on playing that joke on him (not that I don't think he'll eventually get me back).