Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fitting it in

My hope was to get back to this before the end of the month.  Here we are at June 30th already...WOW, did this month FLY BY.  It was excellent with many fun, family adventures...& isn't that what summer vacation is for?  We have been enjoying each others company and I am pleased with what the boys are learning, recognizing and starting to appreciate so much that they have and are given. I am really hoping that July is not quite as busy though as it did not seem like we were out of school routine with who had to be where what night this past month...still! Yet, I still look forward to the next adventure and our time all together no matter what we end up doing wherever.

Also, apparently I posted too many pictures at one time.  I have to "prove that I am not a robot" each time I publish an entry by typing in some random letters that are difficult to decipher...maybe they'd be easier to decode if I WAS a robot.