Monday, August 05, 2013

Catching Up

I didn't really want to just throw pictures up, but then again, I seemed so far behind I guess that is what I kind of did to try and get back up to date.  I'm not sure where July went.  I didn't THINK it was as busy as June but I must've been fooled because here we are in August!  Even the weather is full of trickery not being constantly hot...a little weird.

Looking back on July, it did seem like there was always something going on or someone going somewhere.  Just glad, in the end, we took care of what we needed to.  We needed to replace the jeep and get another lawn mower & still need a dehumidifier and school shopping still lies ahead, football season is approaching fast...BUT as crazy as it is, I love fall & am looking forward to it.

Jon and I actually got to spend some quality time with each other this past weekend and it felt just hang out.  The dogs kept us from REALLY taking off but we still ventured out to a couple places practically in our backyard and yet still new territory.  It does seem a little odd & a bit quieter around the house right now but everybody's got their own thing these days so we accordian out but somehow regroup & squish back together as the family we are...usually on our big bed bonding over and watching some Lost episodes lately.  Good times.