Sunday, October 06, 2013

Wake Me Up When September Ends

It did so I guess I'm up now.  The month flew on by faster than ever. We had some good times and definitely kept busy with lots of band performances, functions, practices & whatnot.  We are running somewhere one if not two or three places every evening after school during the week.  Hockey night is probably the biggest challenge with late night goalie practices for Jesse, but we're managing pretty well so far.  Weekends have had lots going on as well, but still fitting in some quiet time to rest and relax for a change.

Here's hoping that October provides some reprieve or at least that we're able to keep up with everything without forgetting anything in the mix.  Jon is preparing to be in a play so he's been off and away at different times too.  We're looking forward to seeing the product of that effort mid-November.  As for me, it's really just the usual with work, nothing too extra interesting for now, but I'll take it.  My sleeping has gotten a little better so it must be a good sign that my mind can be at ease enough to catch some needed zzz's.