Monday, December 23, 2013

Making a Joyful Noise

Appalachian Winter: this was the name of our Cantata this year. It was a beautiful mix of all kinds of music. It also turned out to be a family affair...hence we have no real pictures or video that captured this special event well. Eric was one of three trombones, Jon sang tenor, I played the piano as a feature (rather than accompaniment) and Jesse played a mean woodblock (which was technically plastic) & cymbals. We all practiced less than 4hrs total all together & this was worrisome to me. However, it REALLY came together nicely. Some of my former co-workers came as did some of my family. We are blessed with some amazingly talented musicians & boy did it show...the full, very solid choir sang to the fullest with beautiful harmonies that flowed & carried it all through. I felt privileged & very proud to be a part of this special performance this year. I have always enjoyed watching it, but this year a tear came to my eye, I was so moved in having a part in it...and also thankful I didn't mess it up;)