Sunday, August 23, 2015

The next "A" month

Yes, it's been since April and here we are finishing out August.  First day of school is TOMORROW. It's hard to believe.  I think the temps have been dipping down overnight to remind us that fall is just about upon us.  The summer went by super fast.  It was a busy one but it was a good one, nonetheless.  I do not recall the kids EVER being bored or without something to keep them busy and I specifically exclude TV, video games and phones from qualifying for that.  So, let's get to the recap.  It's kind of funny that FB has really taken over "logging" our activities.  In fairness, it's allowed me to be lazy in specifically providing updates here, merely out of convenience.  Flipping pictures and little quips from my phone have become too easy.  We have no longer even carried a camera around with us either...not even to Hawaii.  Times are changing and so is technology...always.

So, if we go back to after prom (where Eric fell asleep), we were flying a kite, Jon performed as the crowd favorite "Larry" in Checklist a couple more times.  Eric got his braces off and is doing well wearing his retainer nightly.  Jon finished up his first session at the Caring Place while I started up in another one.  Both boys filled out applications and were accepted into National Honor Society (and Junior National Honor Society).  That was very exciting as was the 'after ceremony/party' which apparently required HoHo cake...both nights.

Eric traveled to NYC for his band trip and then to Hershey the next weekend for choir.  It looks like they had a great time and did really well.  We decided not to follow given the short amount of time there coupled with a long drive and expensive stay.  However, next spring we are surely headed to Virginia Beach/Williamsburg which should be a fun trip for all.

May was busy with a trip to the zoo with a special little girl and a piano recital that featured BOTH boys.  Okay, okay...the biggest trip was somewhat of a spur of the moment anniversary trip to Hawaii.  Jon and I were lucky enough to get Grandpa to come stay with the boys and take advantage of the resort spot we now have thanks to our last visit.  We stayed on Oahu and enjoyed being there for our 15th anniversary.  There were lots of high points, the highest of which was climbing Koko Head which was quite a feat and view from the top.  We went to Pearl Harbor where an unprecedented accident occurred while we were there preventing us from going to the USS Arizona memorial.  We saw the Punch Bowl, had a pineapple whip at the Dole Plantation, snorkeled at Hanauma Bay, visited Turtle Beach, toured Kualoa Ranch to see many movie sites, took a submarine 110 feet down to the bottom of the ocean and saw several couples share our anniversary by getting married that night on Magic Island.  It was an amazing time and Jon smuggled a new ukelele there to sing for me on our anniversary which was a wonderful surprise as well.  That place is like no other with the most beautiful sites, friendly people and the best seafood ever.  Haupia pie is awesome, even at McDonalds :)

Thursday, April 30, 2015

May flowers are comin'...

Junior Prom with a new girlfriend

Learning a new trick...
A great occasion to celebrate Eric's success...

Monday, April 13, 2015

April Showers shed new light

Who would have guessed things would start to take the shape that they have so far this month? We switched up our family Easter plans to accomodate Eric's first paid gig. He was part of a small ensemble that played for two services at the church we have annually visited for several years for piano recitals. We landed new tenants almost instantly and squared away those plans for next month.  Jesse was inducted into the Junior National Honor Society. During the ceremony which contained candle lighting, the power briefly went out. Today we ventured out to Steel City Con in Monroeville. It was filled with interesting things and people and we had a good time. Jess got 36 comic books and Eric got 4 Transformers. I saw my flower girl (15 yrs later), caught a glimpse of Noah Wylie & John Schneider and got my picture taken with the lovable Chewbacca. Tomorrow Jesse will be playing the church hymns which is a first time event as well. We are very excited about that. Eric's National Honor society induction will be later this month too.  We are proud that they both exude the 5 key fundamental values of Character, Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and  Citizenship. Lots of good things happening...much love, light and growth.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Recapping the last couple of months

January work trip to Camp Hill office and the Farm Show
Skating at PPG (downtown Pittsburgh)

Grandpa & little A visit
Valentine's Day artistic fun
Much music & concert tunes
Birthday hockey game fun
Erie time & adventures

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Reminiscent Love

My intent is still to catch up on the last two months here but time & technology has been a challenge in me doing so. For today, I'm just thinking back on previous years.  I honestly do not recall any truly special or poignant Valentines Days prior to being with Jon. When I was younger, I'm pretty sure my Dad would almost always get my Mom flowers (usually red roses), a card and some fancy strawberry cake dessert that had whipped cream on it. Many times it was a combo gift as Valentines Day was snack dab in the middle of their birthdays only 8 days apart.

When I look back on this day through our relationship, I can't remember our first one (pretty sure it was overshadowed in learning my Dad was sick and then I had prego brain on top of that). 

2002 stands out as I had stopped in to walmart before work and got two silkie pair of boxers and a pregnancy test. I took the test at work and met Jon for lunch but first I stopped to get and tie the stick (in a plastic bag...eww) to the bottom of a Mylar balloon that said Congratulations & gave it to Jon after we had lunch at Eat n Park together. This was the initial announcement of Jesse. It was definitely less of a shock than Eric was to us but still a bit of a surprise.

Another one I treasure is this one: & the irony in that is that we were not together. I actually was all alone in Reston, VA in training for my job.  They sent this big black stuffed ape with me and while I was down there, Jon had arranged for this disc to be delivered to me on Valentines Day. There was even an out takes reel from the adorable video he put together. We all get a laugh from it now & it's definitely a timeless treasure to me.

Last year was probably the first real surprise Jon was able to pull off for me. He sang "All of Me" and "Love Don't Die" in a dessert shop downtown during my work lunch break and a coworker friend captured that on video for us.

This year I planned a surprise outing which was something my younger son got upset with me because it is something he also really wants to do. I ended up revealing it to him yesterday in case I wasn't well enough to go with being sick & possibly needing to cancel out. We're thankfully still on though.

So, I stopped at the dollar store this morning to pick up a birthday card and while I was there I decided to get Jon a card too. When I went through the checkout, the old guy in front of me just kept saying "you're in trouble if you're going to the Dollar Store on Valentines Day." I didnt say anything in response although I'm convinced his remark was directed at me. The more I pondered it, I just kept thinking that this 50 cent card holds no weight on my day, my love, my life. It may have been a last minute gesture but my husband did not expect a card or gift from me (not just because I've been sick most of the week either) but we are well beyond that. Little laughs, kind gestures, mini Reese's hearts, sweet kids, beautiful musical harmony, warm hugs and love abound. For this, I am/we are blessed. Love is what it's all about...& not just today, but everyday.

Sunday, February 08, 2015

NYC by Bus

Good Morning America 
Our hotel
Broadway Show
Olaf Characters
Santa-con (pub crawl)

Time Moves On & All Over the Place

I just can't keep up! It's been in my to-do list & just gotten pushed out or off for more than two months now. Geez! No getting off this roller coaster, I guess.

As I'm usually the picture taker and their goal was packing in as much action as possible, there's not too many shots from Universal to share. They had a good time and enjoyed the Hulk, Transformers, Harry Potter & many rides (& Butter Beer) in the sunshine. I would have just held them back though being a wimp when it comes to motion & high action adventures.