Friday, February 25, 2005

Artwork Explanation

The picture below has quickly become one of our favorites. It came from school where Eric was asked to sound out and finish the sentence. When he explained it to me he added "by my Mommy" but that was a bit overwhelming for him to write out. How he phonetically sounded it out was cute enough as it was. If you look closely in the picture, the purple figure is Eric and I'm the one bent over with all the brown hair everywhere (true to form, that's for sure). Anyway, we just had to share his work as we were quite "tickled" by it!

I GET TICKLED Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Weekend Update

Here it is Wednesday evening already after I intended to follow up the last pictures with a little paragraph or so on Sunday. Well, we headed north to snow, I mean, Erie and had a good visit with my family. As you can say there was "horse play" with Larry, the building of a snowman (which had REAL COAL for his eyes), birthyday celebrations (as there are MANY Feb. b-days), and even sled riding too. It was bizarre seeing MY KIDS go down the little hill along the side of our house on the slide that I had ridden down in that same spot so many times (and years) before. Amazing & never really could foresee that coming. Jesse even sported the hat of my Alma Mater.

Anyway, today is Jon's 33rd birthday (making us "even steven") and he got many nice wishes, gifts & treats to eat. Off to church he went for the evening and off to bed I already got the kids to go. I'm still ticked at Tucker for making a mess (choosing diapers over his own food?) while we were out so I haven't let him in yet. He just barked to remind me of this.

We're looking forward to a RELAXING weekend with very little planned which is unusual but quite welcome for us. We also got confirmation of our vacation planned for May to go to Hancock, MA. More to come on those plans later....too-da-loo :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Sledding! Posted by Hello

Eric's snowman Posted by Hello

Celebrating Grammy's Bday Posted by Hello

Blockheads? Posted by Hello

Riding Larry Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 17, 2005

A CLEAR WINNER! Posted by Hello

Over the Alligator Pit! Posted by Hello

Family Fun Night

Tonight was our first time for this event at our school. Eric teamed up with his Dad to work their way through a 12 task obstacle course. He claimed "Daddy is faster than me", but after seeing what they had to do, I did not feel slighted and was probably protected from embarassment in some of the tasks put before them. Jesse and I were the cheerleaders although I would hardly call crying any acceptable form of cheer and that was what Jess decided to do the ENTIRE time they were in the course "wanting Daddy". His sadness didn't effect their performance as they whipped through the course with lightening speed and success. Eric earned his medal and enjoyed the process of attaing it too. Both kids were "awarded" cookies (or "tookies" as Jess fondly terms them) which made it all better - along with returning to his father's arms. We snuck out a bit early as there were MANY children and adults of all ages there for this evening.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Off with January

Boy, a month just flew by and we didn't even post ANYthing!!! Our month started out with a flu bug working its way through our household, so it took us awhile to "get back on track" I've posted some pictures from the month in an effort to do just that!

All has been going well for us. Work, school & church keep us busy with many meetings and commitments but somehow we fit it all in and even have time for a PJ party or two along the way.

Today was above 50 degrees here in February now - AMAZING. My company just celebrated 100 years with a staff event at the Heinz History Center downtown last evening. It was an impressive event with much to eat & see. I can hardly believe that they've been around for that long, but with acknowledgement from President Bush, Governor Rendell and many others, SAE continues to fare well and continues to be key in the field of mobility. I just had my five year anniversary there last in December and that is also a milestone event for me.

Anyway, just wanted to catch up a bit and fill you in on where we are. We're still here & plan to post more happenings again soon!

Mis & Jon @ SAE's 100 year gala Posted by Hello

His snowmen didn't melt!?! Posted by Hello

Jesse's work of art (& friend Steven) Posted by Hello

Making INSIDE snowmen! Posted by Hello

Leap Frog? Posted by Hello

Watching Toad on Foot Posted by Hello

Toad On Foot Posted by Hello

Twister! Posted by Hello

One of my snow angels Posted by Hello

Putting their heads together! Posted by Hello

@ the Carnegie Museum of Natural History Posted by Hello

Eric's school field trip Posted by Hello