Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Weekend Update

Here it is Wednesday evening already after I intended to follow up the last pictures with a little paragraph or so on Sunday. Well, we headed north to snow, I mean, Erie and had a good visit with my family. As you can say there was "horse play" with Larry, the building of a snowman (which had REAL COAL for his eyes), birthyday celebrations (as there are MANY Feb. b-days), and even sled riding too. It was bizarre seeing MY KIDS go down the little hill along the side of our house on the slide that I had ridden down in that same spot so many times (and years) before. Amazing & never really could foresee that coming. Jesse even sported the hat of my Alma Mater.

Anyway, today is Jon's 33rd birthday (making us "even steven") and he got many nice wishes, gifts & treats to eat. Off to church he went for the evening and off to bed I already got the kids to go. I'm still ticked at Tucker for making a mess (choosing diapers over his own food?) while we were out so I haven't let him in yet. He just barked to remind me of this.

We're looking forward to a RELAXING weekend with very little planned which is unusual but quite welcome for us. We also got confirmation of our vacation planned for May to go to Hancock, MA. More to come on those plans later....too-da-loo :)