Sunday, February 06, 2005

Off with January

Boy, a month just flew by and we didn't even post ANYthing!!! Our month started out with a flu bug working its way through our household, so it took us awhile to "get back on track" I've posted some pictures from the month in an effort to do just that!

All has been going well for us. Work, school & church keep us busy with many meetings and commitments but somehow we fit it all in and even have time for a PJ party or two along the way.

Today was above 50 degrees here in February now - AMAZING. My company just celebrated 100 years with a staff event at the Heinz History Center downtown last evening. It was an impressive event with much to eat & see. I can hardly believe that they've been around for that long, but with acknowledgement from President Bush, Governor Rendell and many others, SAE continues to fare well and continues to be key in the field of mobility. I just had my five year anniversary there last in December and that is also a milestone event for me.

Anyway, just wanted to catch up a bit and fill you in on where we are. We're still here & plan to post more happenings again soon!