Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Better Picture

Here is an "improved" picture of Eric in his performance. Prior to and following this moment he was delighting the crowd with his antics. He kept pulling his arms out of his sleeves and into his shirt. I waived at him trying to get him to put his arms back out of his shirt. He waived Missy and at me but each time his hands zipped right back in. I was in the far back with Jesse and when Eric finally noticed him he decided to waive. I was trying to get Jesse to waive back and Eric continues to waive all this time. Other people didn't see anyone responding to his waiving and (having no idea who he is waiving at) suddenly start to waive back at him. So, Eric smiled and waived at them too. At one point, knowing that we wanted him to put his arms back out he attempted, and actually accomplished, crossing his arms inside of his shirt and sticking each hand out through the opposite sleeves. People all around us were snickering and laughing. One of my friends said that Eric literally had him in tears he was laughing so much! It was quite funny and many people had to tell us how cute it was afterwards. One woman assured me that her son used to be the same way but turned out well (graduated college and now has a good job). I'm not too worried! Posted by Picasa