Wednesday, December 07, 2005


We all ventured out early this evening in the better cold to our appointed time and place to make an attempt at a family photo WITH DOG. It could have gone better, but also could have gone MUCH WORSE, to say the least. The photographers block the studio room off in attempt to keep the dog in, but of course, in a split second Tucker finds his small window and is loose in the mall. Luckily, he came right back to Jon -probably spooked by still being inside a strange place- rather than actually being free in the outdoors. Too many mobile or maybe "animated" props created some difficulty in what we ended up getting but such is life. In response to the "Say Cheese" command, Jesse seriously told our photographer "Tucker doesn't talk. He can't say that." We all laughed which poor Boo did not find to be funny then turning him (temporarily) sad. Good things we have CUTE KIDS, eh? The session doesn't seem to be available via the web but we can let you know if you'd like when it does to check what we were able to capture in the most recent session or "episode" as things typically play out for us.

On the way back, having two more obligations to tend to, we decide on a quick meal at Mickey D's. Our eldest son says "Oh good...because I want a happy meal!" and younger brother chimes in with a tainted perspective saying "well, I want an ANGRY meal because I'm angry." We were going to ask if they served those, although they certainly don't advertise such for quite obvious reasons :)