Friday, June 23, 2006


Yesterday was yet another garden day. I finally moved some of our “crops” to their final plots in our little garden area. I had originally planted some red corn there and thought that the birds had eaten all of our seed. I was surprised to find quite a few sprouts actually scattered about so I moved them all to one end making four rows of about 30 plants. The boys and I weeded the bed and then planted the beans and peas that I had already started in containers. We had so many peas that I also placed some of them beside the house as there was no room left in our small, side plot. I had not realized that peas do best when planted early (in cooler weather) so we’ll see how the ones by the house do compared to the plants that are more out in the open. We also have a few carrots, some potatoes and even some renegade pumpkin plants from seeds that survived composting and sprouted. I moved the pumpkins to a place where they can have a lot of room and will only keep the best looking vine after another week or two.

While preparing the side plot and moving the corn I discovered a 6-7 inch stinkhorn (I’ve also heard of them being called “stinking phallus,” I’ll let you figure out why). This is a yucky, stinky, slimy fungus that grows on buried, dead wood. It is not poisonous however and poses no threat the plants or people. It just really stinks!

Later when I was digging a hole in which to transplant the pumpkins I dug up the larval cicada seen below. Of course I rushed to show it to Eric who, surprisingly, was less impressed than I thought he would be. Cicada larva live underground, sucking the juices from tree and plant roots until they mature and tunnel to the surface to litter and make lots of noise.

That’s all the updates for now. On one of the next sunny days I’ll take some pictures of our plants to share.

A stinking WHAT?

A nearly matured cicada larva.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Extra Leg Room? Posted by Picasa


I'm not so sure that I can truly give this story its due justice as it was just quite the sight. We did have a busy weekend with our Friday Fiesta, going to see Cars on Saturday and then to a waterpark, Sandcastle, on Father's Day. The boys had fun in the smaller pools and huge lazy river. Jon decided to attempt the most intimidating slide they had which basically had a high drop straight down like a roller coaster. After exiting this and meeting back up with us, we discussed how the force would effect the position of your bathing suit (being the reason I would not be willing to try it). As Jon reached to his side to adjust his trunks, we noticed that they were ripped all the way up the seam. It was a good thing he only attempted this feat once or who knows if anything would have been left. It was just hilarious. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard (with tears coming to my eyes) and our little ones do give us many laughs often. Now, he was about due for a new suit as we had discussed on vacation, but this sealed (or unsealed as it appeared) that deal!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Mariachi Band? Posted by Picasa

Pinata Headgear? Posted by Picasa

Fiesta Friday's Pinata Posted by Picasa

Making Toady(2) Feel at Home Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Toady, the 2nd Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 11, 2006


The boys and I headed to Erie early Saturday to spend the day with family. We went to the zoo for "equipment day." There were lots of babies - naked mole rats, warthogs, kangaroo, ducklings and orangutan. It was a bit breezy but nice day to keep moving around to check everything out. Later, we went over to my brother's house to visit him too and the kids played in the yard. Finally, we met "Aunt Sue" at Eat n'Park before heading back home. The boys fell asleep before we were 10 miles down the highway from a busy but fun-filled day.

Today, there was a church picnic basket auction. We were in charge of the lemonade stand and purchased a "Fiesta Fun" basket with lots of Mexican goodies. We've even decided to share the wealth and throw a small Fiesta this Friday having some friends over. We've each been assigned our tasks so we'll see how it turns out. I bet we'll all be ready for a siesta by the time it's over. We'll be sure to update you more later on that.

Jesse & Aunt Sue Posted by Picasa

Yard Racers Posted by Picasa

Finding a Ride Out Posted by Picasa

On Top of Ol' Gator Posted by Picasa

Follow Joe Batman Posted by Picasa

Making Music (STOMP!) Posted by Picasa

Good Goat Caretakers Posted by Picasa

Carousel Eric Posted by Picasa

Traditional Train Ride Posted by Picasa

Carry Mom! Posted by Picasa

Giraffe Pose Posted by Picasa

Eric needs watched! Posted by Picasa

Eric & Joe Posted by Picasa

Grammy & her Grandsons Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 09, 2006


Yes, just after his last (1/2) day of school, Eric twisted his loose tooth right off. The boys had come to have lunch with me at the water steps, our usual spot. Eric kept messing with it and it had been bothering him for about a day. I told Eric if he could twist it, that if he keeps going it would come right out and that's just what he did. He asked if there was a big space in his mouth...and Jesse followed with the same question showing off his pearly whites. Eric wrote a note to the tooth fairy asking to keep his tooth and get money. She did just that and he got a $5 bill out of the deal! You don't often get rewarded for losing but this was one of those rare occasions!

What's missing??!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 05, 2006

Family Picture Posted by Picasa