Sunday, June 11, 2006


The boys and I headed to Erie early Saturday to spend the day with family. We went to the zoo for "equipment day." There were lots of babies - naked mole rats, warthogs, kangaroo, ducklings and orangutan. It was a bit breezy but nice day to keep moving around to check everything out. Later, we went over to my brother's house to visit him too and the kids played in the yard. Finally, we met "Aunt Sue" at Eat n'Park before heading back home. The boys fell asleep before we were 10 miles down the highway from a busy but fun-filled day.

Today, there was a church picnic basket auction. We were in charge of the lemonade stand and purchased a "Fiesta Fun" basket with lots of Mexican goodies. We've even decided to share the wealth and throw a small Fiesta this Friday having some friends over. We've each been assigned our tasks so we'll see how it turns out. I bet we'll all be ready for a siesta by the time it's over. We'll be sure to update you more later on that.