Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I'm not so sure that I can truly give this story its due justice as it was just quite the sight. We did have a busy weekend with our Friday Fiesta, going to see Cars on Saturday and then to a waterpark, Sandcastle, on Father's Day. The boys had fun in the smaller pools and huge lazy river. Jon decided to attempt the most intimidating slide they had which basically had a high drop straight down like a roller coaster. After exiting this and meeting back up with us, we discussed how the force would effect the position of your bathing suit (being the reason I would not be willing to try it). As Jon reached to his side to adjust his trunks, we noticed that they were ripped all the way up the seam. It was a good thing he only attempted this feat once or who knows if anything would have been left. It was just hilarious. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard (with tears coming to my eyes) and our little ones do give us many laughs often. Now, he was about due for a new suit as we had discussed on vacation, but this sealed (or unsealed as it appeared) that deal!