Monday, April 30, 2007


We closed out April with some friendly visits. First, cousin Justin came to visit us one evening. The boys kept him busy with games, crafts, stories and of course, many questions. We enjoyed his company and hope to see him more often. This should be possible as he will soon be finished with college and be moving even closer later this year.

The boys finally planted the bulbs we had gotten in the bucket (as you see Jesse sporting as headwear). It took some time to decide where to put the flowers so they would grow well. In this process, we also had to clarify that we were not planting the bucket, only the contents within. This was a surprise to them both (and quite amusing to us as their parents).

Then, this past weekend "Aunt Sue" came to visit with us. We went to a fun party, to the zoo, watched some movies and played more games. After Jesse won at Chutes and Ladders and we congratulated him, he announced "Autographs for everyone!" then wrote down his name and distributed these signed papers to us all. One day, these might be worth something, especially with his creativity and artistic ability. Although, he himself? DEFINITELY PRICELESS!!!