Monday, March 24, 2008


It was not an easy week. Monday was not only green just because of St. Patrick's Day this year. Jesse got very sick that evening and stayed home from school Tuesday. Then, Wednesday evening that same bug "bit" me just after I got the kids in bed so I stayed home from work Thursday to recoop. It was a difficult choice what to do with our original Easter plans, but we decided to still travel up north. By then, Jesse had then developed a cold. He and I took it easy and didn't go on much but we all still took in Splash Lagoon. Grammy joined us with Joe on Friday and the boys had fun all over. That evening, Jon drove back to Pittsburgh to sing in our church's Cantata. Meanwhile, as Eric and Joe were watching TV and playing on Grammy's bed, Joe came down on Eric's knee and thought he broke his tooth off. For good or bad, he did not break the tooth off, it got knocked out! All were very surprised but we quickly came up with some benefits of this and he quickly became fine with it (plus the tooth fairy came that night). Jesse slept all this while and worked on getting better which he finally seemed to be Saturday. Surprisingly enough, although they had a little snow on the ground, they did not get any more while we were there. Unfortunately, there was enough on the way back up for Jon that spun him around and landed him in the median. He had to wait for AAA to pull him out and he was lucky that a police officer that stopped didn't give him a ticket. After that, he made it back to us and my car looked so bad that my sister-in-law paid for me to get it washed and the car wash attendant made fun of it as he pulled stuff off it beforehand.

We went to a sunrise service at my childhood church on Easter. The boys had an egg hunt when they got back to my Mom's house and enjoyed lots more treats along with a big feast. We headed back to Pittsburgh in the early afternoon. We had to get our jeep back which was having maitenance done...reminding me of another reason of why I have to get ready and go to work today (expensive). Anyway, it seemed like it took a week but we made it through and experienced the joy of Easter. The boys both understand and appreciate what Easter really means now and that is definitely worth the celebration it delivers.