Saturday, August 30, 2008

It takes 2 to Tango

Let's go!

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First walk (on leashes)

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Sisterly love

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No flash photography!

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I love Fudge!

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First night and tired out from exploring

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Me & my pup!

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Cindy listens

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Happy to bring them home!

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All penned up!

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Fudge is ready!

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Homecoming day

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Changed our minds?!?

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Catch up week

So last weekend we crewed in the a.m. for the balloon. Fortunately for us, the landing was about 10 minutes away from the puppies so we dropped in for one last visit. We went to a fun end-of-summer break picnic on Sunday which was wet and wild. Then, Monday morning...THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! It's seems to have snuck up on us and made for a long and tiring week. Our deal was that the boys would first start school to get into routine again and THEN we'd bring home the puppies....and Thursday night we brought them (to our) HOME!!! Stay tuned...

Hurrying home

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Off they go for ALL DAY

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1st and 4th graders!

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Driving Miss Chloe

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Cool & refreshing

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Now it's MY turn!

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Water balloon bashing

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Someone put a bug in my ear...

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Next time I'm TAKING YOU HOME!

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Happy to see ya again!

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Puppy Power

So, this weekend we took it EASY...easy for us...we stayed at home....okay, not really but we didn't travel...much. We went to the zoo to picnic and see all of these new babies we've been hearing about. There were LOTS of them too...pretty neat! We also went to see Clone Wars so Mommy could take a nice catnap. Well, that wasn't the purpose but always seems to happen anymore. We also got a big stack of books on puppies from the library to help us "prepare." On Sunday, Jesse went to a birthday party while Eric and Jon took a long bike ride...all the way down to where I work on the North Shore...wowee!

We closed out our weekend by going to visit the growing puppies again. This time both boys spent some alone time with their pup too. In fact, when I attempted to pet Cindy as she approached me, her guardian came over and took her away and told me with his infamous attitude "Get your own puppy!" That boy...he is something. We are anxious to take them home. When I asked Eric what he would do if Fudge cries all night long, he quickly responded with "Well, I can sleep through anything!" Comforting :)

Good puppy!

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