Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Party & Puppies

This past weekend we headed up for my niece's big birthday bash so en route we stopped in to see the puppies. They actually let us know which puppies would be ours which was quite exciting.

Saturday was a great day for a party. Angie certainly was not terrible although many associate that adjective with her number. There was lots of sweet celebration going on with many friends and family. We were all tired out by the time the last balloon had popped.

On Sunday, we led a convoy back to our house and stopped again to see the puppies. We couldn't contain ourselves to just our two as it is very difficult with so many adorable little faces peering up at you. The boys had been thinking about and have chosen names for the girl pups. Jesse decided on Cindy and Eric chose Fudge. So, we have even more specific information...but they are still not yet old enough to come home with us...a few more weeks to go. We got to share the playful fun with some of our friends along the way too.