Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Weekend @ Grammy's

Extra long so it was packed with extra fun. We headed up Friday. The trip was still a little rough for Fudge but hopefully it's going to continue to get easier for her. We took the kids and pups up the road where Craig and I used to go trick or treating. New faces and new houses in the mix but it was still sort of a stroll up memory lane for me. We got a couple of offers to trade the dogs for candy but no deals were made. They were troopers and baby girl kept up pretty well - quite impressive for such a young one. Treats were then enjoyed by all.

We had CA guests in for the weekend that hung out with us Friday night. After attending a very nice memorial service for our cousin's Grandmother, Jon & I along with Craig & Christie got the privilege of going out minus kids and dogs thanks to Grammy. We had dinner and drinks with family again...some more than others...but, then again, it was a "fall back" weekend. It's a rare but fun treat to hang out with our West Coast relatives. They actually got to see the changing leaves AND play in snow upon arrival...they made their first ever snow man and had a snowball fight...after leaving 97 degrees in San Diego...WOW. Corry actually had their first snow day Wednesday...how weird.

Sunday, our dear friend Sue joined us as we headed across the border for a day trip to the Falls. It was a nice day for it and the boys were quite impressed with the view. There was a gorgeous rainbow above us as we made our way back and forth through the constant, misty rain.

Before we left on Monday, we made a visit to the Erie Zoo. It almost seemed like we had it to ourselves too. We had a yummy lunch back at Grammy's house before heading for the hills. The dogs seem to travel well going home which is definitely a good thing! Fall break is ending now...what's next? don't say it....we have 70 degrees this week, so NOT YET!