Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Ketchup

Ok, it should really be Catch Up but we do live in Heinz territory :) Jon was going to write the verbage to go along with the last set of pictures but that never happened, so being almost ready to post another next set, I thought I'd try to briefly summarize more of what's been going on with us.

This past week Eric had his first band concert, belting out 5 cool songs and they sounded great! Fudge and Cindy had surgery (so we won't have any MORE puppies!) but they're just about back to their normal, lightening speed and spunk.

Last Monday there was a school delay because of the cold temps. That allowed us to start off the day with a great morning....breakfast at Bob Evans followed by a quick visit to Chuck E Cheese...all before the day began & then, they even watched a movie all afternoon (at school)!?!

It has been a LONG time since we saw Jon's brother, Adam and Wendi. Thankfully, they stopped in and stayed with us to catch up some just before Christmas which was a fun time...especially foolin' the boys by first giving them Barbies before their real gifts. We got it on video which was pretty funny.

Jon delivered the message at our first Christmas Eve service which was very well received as was the song he sang that followed. At the next service both Jon and I played a handbell number (and he sang again) which also closed out the evening nicely.

We had a terrific Christmas - over a span of several days, we have seen much of our family(s) and also hung out with dear friends which is always great too. Many treats and good eats!

I think I'm too tired now (and have to go back to work tomorrow after being off for 10 days) but more pictures to come soon...stay tuned :)