Sunday, December 14, 2008

December Treats Part II

So this takes us through an afternoon scout bowling event and then to a tour of the police station. The puppies don't look like puppies anymore (but definitely still act the part).

On Friday, my Mom, Larry and cousin Sandy stayed over as they began their long drive to FL (well worth the journey, I'm sure). Saturday was filled with practices and we attended the Alive service to watch Jon sing and play.

Today was the Children's Christmas performance at church and we (again) had two kings. Eric retained the gold carrying while Jesse switched to Myrrh. They did a great job and kids that young are always entertaining and that was definitely the case this time around too.

After that, we headed up to the Log Cabin for somewhat of a feast. Lots of good eats, treats and leftovers! We then went to get our tree. It was a bit easier this year although there was still some dissention in the troops but nothing like prior years (thank goodness). We took it easy on Jon going a bit smaller (if it were up to Jesse, we'd have a Charlie Brown tree or branch which he was quite content to carry around since our arrival). The rest of our afternoon and evening was a bit leisurely as we head back into the routine that Monday starts off again....last full week though for!