Friday, July 31, 2009

Home Alone: The Crownover Edition

So, in trying to shuffle kids back and forth for our last minute scout camp changes, it worked out that my eldest would be back around lunchtime on Thursday. He was to call me upon arrival (his father and I bombarded him with phone calls and call waiting until we had both had our chat with him). He then happily does "his thing" and makes a list of all what he did with his day. Apparently, he told many of the adults at camp he was anxious to get this opportunity to be on his own. Many of them advised him to not tell everyone he knew. Eric also advised me that he learned and played a new card game....called B.S. while he was at camp!?!

Just after lunch, the phone calls began. About every 15 minutes, I got another call "Did you call me?" "The water looks and tastes funny." "I did all of my laundry." "How do you work the DVD player?" "When will you be home?" However, when I asked if he wanted me to come home it was ,of course, no. Nonetheless, after taking the 1/2 day off to go up to Erie and bring Jesse back Wed. (which was long and very rainy), I decided to take my other 1/2 yesterday to come home early for Eric.

He then decides to choose a movie and advises what he would like for supper and "sends me out" for this. What a silly boy he is. The funniest part of his "list of accomplishments" was that he had make supper and eat supper on it and I was home before 3pm....a little forethought??

I am thinking he realized it wasn't all that it was cracked up to be but it could've definitely gone worse and it's good to have him back and be able to hang out with him. We are having a good time, although we have some work to do today in trying to prepare for our company coming in, but hopefully will have more fun too. What an adventure(r)!