Monday, August 03, 2009

Beaver Behavior

Ok, this one is just too funny (at least to me) not to share….so we’re at the zoo checking out the beavers. There are six new babies which were really quite entertaining to watch. The mom would push each baby like a log (nose in its side) through the water to the corner where she wanted them to be. They would immediately run or swim back and away from this designation (endless but all too familiar task). However, the daddy beaver never moved from his corner the whole time. He was scratching away at his belly – the entire time we were watching them (at least fifteen minutes and still going when we moved on). You can walk around (looking down) to see them in the water. So, Eric yells across this “C” shape (in front of many other people who are gathered around) to Jon and says “Hey Dad, look! That beaver is doing what you always do!” Eventually, the other family members came over to his corner, looked and started doing the exact, same thing.