Thursday, August 27, 2009

Winding Down Summer 2009

Haitus! Last month = my boys! It was weird not having them around but glad they got to get out, stay busy and have lots of fun. Here are some pictures from their latest adventures out to Belleville. As we reunited for the weekend, we went to the drive-in for a double feature LATE night. It was a fun time & only I fell asleep (which can not be any surprise). We went to see Jon and the praise team "Unplugged" @ 5:35 Saturday which was awesome. Sunday we went to the science center and then headed to take in a ball game. We had a good time but it was the giveaway and snacks that mostly kept us entertained there. All in all, we all appreciated having each other all together again. Jon even dropped the boys off downtown to have lunch with me. They like how "interesting" downtown is...lots to take in, that's for sure.

School starts next week and we're hoping to squeeze in one more fun family weekend before the long routine begins again. More updates hopefully soon....