Tuesday, October 06, 2009

We Got It Goin' On!

So, so busy! WOW...I'm trying to catch up. Last Friday, Jon went to the Pens opener which is when they presented and raised the new championship banner to the roof. So, there's some pictures from that awesome event...which, by the way, our friend produced...way cool :)

My Mom, Larry & nephew Joe came down for the weekend for some family fun. I let Joe choose our agenda and we went to the Carnegie Science Center to see the robots exhibits. All three of them actually made "Bug Bots" which were pretty neat (& mobile). Later that day, we went to see a new movie and that was enough for the day.

Sunday, we went to Fall Fest which has actually now become a tradition for us. It is at Crestfield Camp up in Slippery Rock and lots of our Hiland family joined in on the many activities there this year. The boys got their faces painted, painted pumpkins, did wall rock climbing and rode on a hayride...so much in so little time!

So, then we arrive to today (posting pictures soon). We were invited to a Stanley Cup party which was PHENOMENAL...especially knowing many season ticket holders who spent five to seven hours WAITING in line at the arena just this past weekend for their photo opportunity. Up close and personal...WOW! We took the boys, my brother came down and we had Stanley cup cake, cookies and so much more yummy food. It was so great and surely a once in a lifetime opportunity. In addition to that, our friends even gave us tickets to tomorrow night's game as a birthday gift to me. Blessed are we!