Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

So, we headed north for the long holiday weekend. Only a few flakes of snow we saw, but lots of family fun we had. My Mom fixed a yummy Thanksgiving feast which has become old hat to her, done with the greatest of ease. Friday, Jon and I attempted an early morning Black Friday shopping trip and then later the gang went bowling, had Mexican for lunch and then built a gingerbread house that we then ate for dessert.

Jon and I snuck a date in on Friday night while the boys obsessed awhile over the Wii and DSi games. On Saturday, we had pizza and then Grammy and Larry took the boys to see the Fabulous Mr. Fox movie. After that, we hauled our crew home.

Sunday morning, we lit the first Advent candle as a family at church. The boys did a stellar job -Eric read the message and Jesse read the prayer. Jon lit the candle and it was said that I was "eye candy"(??!!). Before the end of the service, Jesse pulled out #2 tooth...looks like all he needs for Christmas is two front teeth! Later on, Jon and Jesse 'created' their own peanutbutter chocolate chip cookies while Eric and I went to the Star Wars concert. It was an impressive orchestra and filled with lots of movie clips narrated by they guy who did C3P0's voice.

So, that was our packed weekend and now I'm gearing up (lol) for the work week while the boys get to enjoy one more day off tomorrow. Thankfully, I get this Friday off...gotta love that in a work schedule :)

Some mornings are scary

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Giddy up!

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My girl

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A Big Kiss

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Joe's the target

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Grammy's girl

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& the walls come down!

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My own wall!

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She's a treat

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Lucky Sevens

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House Party (sweet eating)

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Painting the roof

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Building a (gingerbread) House

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(Bowling) Alley Girl

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Thanksgiving dinner in progress

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Gather round the DSi

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wizard Wednesday

Last night was the big elementary school fundraiser. Jon played basketball, Eric was part of the half time entertainment and Jesse cheered everyone on from the sidelines with his friends. It was an exciting evening with lots of fun moves, shots and laughs. LOUD would describe the night well. The Ross Rockers were led by Eric's science teacher and his homeroom teacher was the assistant coach (apparently Eric felt the need to keep reminding her of this beforehand). His Principal, band teacher and Dad played too....there's practically a team right there! It just doesn't seem right for your kids to ditch ya at such an early age but they are entirely too cool for me :)

Big Mike, Big Eric

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Jesse's Wizard friend

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There's a nice one!

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Leap for the sky

Maybe he was always in motion and just too fast for me?
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Eric was in the half time show

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Jump around

I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get that many good shots but look at that leap from our #7!
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Sunday, November 15, 2009