Sunday, November 15, 2009


I never would've guessed that we'd spend our "extra" or last park day at Hollywood Studios but it happened. We all agreed primarily because of the Rock n' Roller Coaster, drawing Disney characters and the Star Wars souvenir shop. We also got to check out the new ever-popular Toy Story game encounter on our second time around as well. This time I prepared myself with some motion sickness medicine so I too could ride the Rock n' Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror with them and without ruining the rest of our day. We drew Jiminy Cricket and Minnie Mouse this time around and went on the Rock n' Roller Coaster a couple more times. The boys really enjoyed a street show as well. We did the backlot tour, the Muppets 3-D movie and the car stunt show. They were even called "orphans in the street that didn't have parents but at least they have a pretzel" just after I took them up a snack to munch on as they watched. They loved that "they were part of the show" with this mention.

We all got our own action figures as souvenirs too....Eric got Stitch as Yoda, Jesse got Mickey as Luke Skywalker, I got Donald Duck as Darth Maul and Jon got Goofy as Chewbacca. Although we were a little disappointed that Doug (the dog) left before it was our turn, we still got our picture with the Up characters and Mickey. They played Christmas music and already had decorations out. Another great Disney day and end to our vacation week.