Saturday, April 24, 2010

April Flowers & Showers

It's been an interesting month...especially as the weather seems to be playing tricks on us. Frost in some surrounding areas even tonight...YIKES!

I must go back a little in time though as we spent a night in a local hotel last month to enjoy an evening out and swim (or mostly whirpool, in my case). Jesse was diving for torpedos, rings and in the morning, he described how he was "being a man." This just cracked us up. Mr. Krispy Kreme reading the funnies.

The week after Easter, we headed up north to see my family. We made an impromptu trip to the zoo and ice rink to get Jesse some extra hockey practice before his tryout week.

This week was an important one as Eric officially crossed over to Boy Scouts with the bridge and icing "war paint." He was actually not feeling well beforehand but was so excited for this moment, we couldn't hold him back. The day before he didn't want to stay or wait for Sunday school to be over after church, so he and Jon decided to walk home. I think he may have regretted this decision and won't choose to do so again anytime soon but he did make it!

Jon and Eric are starting up with Taekwondo now too. Eric was very excited to do so and we think this will get him exercising more. Oh yea, and we got a Wii. That should help too when Eric gains enough freedom to play it. We have been enjoying the variety of activities and friendly competition in some of the different fitness choices. The boys get a big laugh from watching me (that's probably why I do much of my workout at 5:30am before anyone else is up).

So, I think that MAY just about catch us up...for APRIL...until next time :)