Sunday, May 30, 2010

May End Activities

It's hard to believe how near June is already. We checked out Kennywood early this year. We had a terrific time, Jesse was tall enough to be full price and no more kiddieland. The boys were coaster crazy and unstoppable. Potato Patch fries and ice cream are always a must and they both got their own big chunk of fudge upon departure which they finished before we got to the car. Talk about being sugared up, but it was a high energy day.

We all went out to dinner at Ichiban on Thursday to celebrate our momentus tenth anniversary. Technically, we pre-celebrated in Hawaii at the beginning of the year. Another treat we got was the boys went to visit their Grandma and Grandpa. Meanwhile, Jon and I decided to head up to where we got married...Erie. We had a nice dinner out with my Mom, Larry and Sue on Saturday. Ricardos..yum...Filet Mignon...yum yum. Sunday morning we got up and drove out to the Peninsula to go on a nature walk. We got to enjoy lively creatures including hyperactive chipmunks, chirping birds, croaking frogs, fluttering butterflies, darting dragonflies, a curious turkey, an alert deer and a slithering summer snow (dandelion fuzz)! A family picnic was quickly pulled together for Sunday at my Mom's house. We got to try out their new grill and visit with a bunch of our family on a beautiful afternoon which was delightful. Without kids and dogs, we actually got to pay more attention and were able to carry on adult conversations. This is not usual for us and was NICE!