Friday, May 21, 2010

A Stripe Night

Tonight I got to witness Eric and Jon taking their first test which earned them their first yellow stripe.  They did a terrific job and although I didn't think to take our camera for this, I at least snapped a few shots with my BlackBerry.  Afterwards, we went to DQ to celebrate!

Jesse missed out on our fun as he was busy having his own.  He went to a sleepover birthday party (so we are expecting Mr. Crankypants tomorrow).  An extra guest arrived at our house after school today.  Hotrod Joseph Crownover is the newest addition...a goldfish that Eric won at school.  I'm not sure we consider this a prize though, but we have it.  We are not breaking out all the equipment just yet.  He has a simple, small tank for now and we'll see where we go from here.