Friday, August 06, 2010

Expressing Thanks

Funny story...Eric is asked to write out his thank you cards from his birthday. I leave the list and these out for him and go to work. I come home to a stack of them sitting on the table. I read the top one which has "Thank you JEDI SCUM!" in large letters. They are signed "Lord Sith Eric" Now, given the theme of the party was Star Wars, this might be a little extreme on the role playing.

Cautiously, I take this in and we try to think of a way to communicate back to Eric that this wasn't his best idea. We were fine with him writing this to his friends, with complete expectation that they will understand the message. However for other adults like Grammy and Aunts, etc....not so sure about that. So, we selectively chose a few and asked that he add a disclaimer (which he wrote very small) to them before sending them out. He agreed to do so and I think we conveyed the reason without crushing his creative spirit...that cup runneth over :)