Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Our Reunion Weekend

We reunited, as a family, on Saturday. Jesse and Jon had gone to cub scout camp for a few days. Meanwhile, Eric visited with Grammy up north. Cousin Joe had an operation so was laying low but we got to celebrate Angie's birthday awhile at the Wawrjeko reunion. The boys tried their hand at snake toss (fortunately nobody got hit/hurt) and the white elephant sale always ends up being interesting closure to the event.

Sunday, we headed to Waldameer for a fun family day. The boys took on the water part in the late morning and then I met up with them later to start in on the dry rides. I believe Eric said "that was pathetic" after riding the Comet but the Ravine Flyer II made up for that. It was INTENSE and he and I were in the first car. WOW! I don't even recall crossing the road twice and Eric's hair had blew back (standing up on end)...what a riot! Right after this ride, we went on it again with Aunt Sue & Dave. Jesse rode with Sue and I actually got to partner up with my hubby. Dave and Eric waited for the first car experience AGAIN. This time threw me for a little bit of a loop. We took it easy after that...well, I did. Jesse headed for the Spider (on his own), the Steel Dragon, and the Pirate Ship. What a whirly bird!

That evening the boys stayed in a cabin at Sparrow Pond. This was a neat location and they had a good time. I hung out for a little while before heading home that late evening. They made me my first moutain pie and then we had ginormous s'mores. The boys stayed up and enjoyed sparklers, games and even had A/C in their cabin. There was a pool they swam in the next morning and then they picked up the dogs and headed for the hills...home :)