Monday, July 11, 2011

Midsummer Nights

We're already mid-July AND in the middle of summer. I thought we better catch up before the summer swoops by. So, the last week of the school ended as VBS began. I only have pictures from Jesse's performance at the end of the week. However, all three boys were really involved as Eric and Jon led the storytime adventures for Pandamonium. I did hear they did a great job too, just don't have the pictures to back up that up right now. They made a huge fish that everyone got to sit inside and experience the Jonah story - how cool that had to be!

After that week of bustle, the boys headed out to Jon's parents to celebrate Father's Day with Grandpa(s). They got to have lots of fun with family. I hear Jon made a wicked corn chowder and brownies were a delightful dessert that came after lemon merengue pie.

The boys went to the science center and got to watch their Dad "work" and cook fruit flambe in one of their regular shows. Eric took some great pictures of that too so I could see some of that action. Jon looks really hot! :)

The All Pro Dad event was another event that the boys attended again this year. The boys got stuffed monkeys and Jon won a hhgreg gift card for kicking a field goal. Mike Tomlin and other sports figures were there and participated in the various sport activities.

The boys have also been busy with basketball camp. All day they are shooting hoops, running drills and exercising with their friends.

We had some wet fun too (no pictures of our water adventures). We went to Sandcastle and took in the wave pool and lots of tube and body slides. There was a big difference going this year - much more relaxed - compared to the last time we went with our "little(r) boys."

We also made a short, unplanned trip to the Erie area. We don't get to see Andersons gather together very often, so although a solemn occasion, it was good to see (or introduce, in some cases) my family to more of my family. We ended up squeezing in Splash Lagoon into this trip north before heading back. That was filled with more slide fun and much less of a crowd and worry than the last time we had gone. We all rode together in all combinations and solo and splashing around with each other in the many pools.

We got to see local fireworks right from our house on the 3rd and then we went to the science center as Jon helped with their fireworks demonstration show. Jesse and I got to play around, see a couple of shows, take in a Dolphin movie AND see the spectacular downtown fireworks. It is a crazy place but definitely an impressive sight to see & sponsored by EQT (just threw that in there 1. because it rhymes and 2. it's true).

So, my catch up is a bit mish-moshed, but it catches us up to July. Yesterday was our dogs' 3rd birthday today. We sent them on a vacation for this occasion. They are at Grammy's. We had to trade them to get the boys back. Well, not quite but they are up there while we embark on some travels over the next couple of weeks. More pictures to come on those upcoming adventures soon. Check back ;)