Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Interesting artifacts

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Learning more about Corry at the museum

That's a logging locomotive.  Our youngest reunion attendee, Darren, is also pictured here.  This new cousin is only one week old!
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Trickster Eric put this flower on Joe without his knowledge

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Wagon Hangout

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Eric & his munchkin cousins

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Anderson Reunion 2011 @ Mead Park, Corry, PA

The last reunion was 30 years prior.
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There's a whole lotta Anderson in this shot

My Dad's oldest brother, Sonny (in striped shirt), had the most years in age.  My cousin Tim traveled the farthest to come flying up from Atlanta.  There were descendants of five out of nine of the Anderson siblings.  Also, there are only five remaining siblings alive and my Uncle Sonny was the only one of them that was able to come this year.
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Trying to get iPhone Facetime to work

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Cousins hangin' out

Angie is actually wearing MY (school) sweatshirt from long ago.
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Helping Miss Monkey

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The Climbers

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"Old School" swings

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Mr. Mega Straw

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Trippin' in Nebraska

So, the trip would not be considered uneventful.  No one could have guessed that Eric and the cats wouldn't be able to co-exist.  Nevertheless, we learned just how bad his cat allergy is.  However, he got fixed up with breathing treatments, steriods, benedryl, advil, inhaler & a hotel room.  He was then good to go...for the most part :)

The boys really had a fun trip out to meet their cousin and also see Aunt Wendi and Uncle Adam again.  They enjoyed some pool time, a trip to see part of the big Omaha zoo and had more water fun at a local park.  Anyway, this is what I've been told...Jon should really share more about it since he was there.  I was just excited to post and share their trip pictures as they definitely got some good ones.

I'm glad everyone had a good time & wish I was there with time and hopefully sometime sooner rather than later!

Airport wait time (in the EARLY a.m.)

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Dinner in the hotel

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Eric's side kick jump

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Eat up, munchkin!

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Trying to be Izzie's friend

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Jesse let me borrow his hat!

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Could I be any wetter??

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Pot O' Gold??

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More water fun!

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Soooooo incredibly sweet!

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