Friday, August 19, 2011

Operation: Red Belt

It seems that the last few testing days, we have been pulled in separate directions.  However, this one worked out so that we could all be there AND it was a big one.  Red belt changes their class schedule AND is the last belt before black!  It is likely that they will be able to test and earn their black belt next fall...exciting.

This is Missy posting by the way, even though it says Jon.  Right now, we are having difficulty reassigning our author email accounts so until we figure it out, his account works better so that is what we're using. 

I wanted to post these pictures and update now as the boys are currently in Nebraska, due back tomorrow.  I would imagine they will have LOTS of pictures and updates to post from their exciting and exhausting trip so I'm trying to stay ahead of the game...the game being the PSU home opener Labor Day weekend.  Well, we are ahead of that, but that isn't really what I mean.  I'm just excited for fall & Penn State football.  This summer fried my brain a little more than usual, so I need the cool down and am ready to appreciate the soothing autumn leaves of many colors.

So, back to my post a few pictures from Jon and Eric's red belt certification ceremony.