Sunday, August 21, 2011

Trippin' in Nebraska

So, the trip would not be considered uneventful.  No one could have guessed that Eric and the cats wouldn't be able to co-exist.  Nevertheless, we learned just how bad his cat allergy is.  However, he got fixed up with breathing treatments, steriods, benedryl, advil, inhaler & a hotel room.  He was then good to go...for the most part :)

The boys really had a fun trip out to meet their cousin and also see Aunt Wendi and Uncle Adam again.  They enjoyed some pool time, a trip to see part of the big Omaha zoo and had more water fun at a local park.  Anyway, this is what I've been told...Jon should really share more about it since he was there.  I was just excited to post and share their trip pictures as they definitely got some good ones.

I'm glad everyone had a good time & wish I was there with time and hopefully sometime sooner rather than later!