Sunday, December 04, 2011

Here we go!

It's hard to believe that we zipped right through was a jam-packed month and I say this as I look at December looking to be the same way (so far).  I was unable to capture it all with our camera, but all of the grandparents came out and stayed with us mid-November.  After many years since our last game together, my Mom and I went to the last Penn State home game (against Nebraska) of what quickly became a very turbulent end of season. Everyone else went to a charity Tae Kwon Do tournament where Jon brought home the gold (board breaking), silver (pattern) & bronze (sparring) and Eric also brought home two bronze medals. 

Shortly thereafter, we learned of an opportunity to see some friends that have moved about an hour away and ended up spending the afternoon with them.  We really enjoy our time together with friends and family.  The next weekend, we ended up taking in a stranded college student friend until she could catch her bus home to Philly.  Jesse and I got to see the Beaver Campus of Penn State and we visited with the daughter of one of my former co-workers.  The last time I saw her was when I took her to Chuck E Cheese for the very first MANY years ago.  It was nice to be able to help her out and to catch up after so long, even feeling a bit old in doing so!

Next came Thanksgiving and cousin Joe's birthday.   We had not been up in the Erie area since August!  Our feast was filled with good food and company.  It ended with SIX pies!  Needsless to say, we kept enjoying those leftovers throughout the weekend.  They made gingerbread houses and we had an ice cream cake for the birthday celelbration.  Jon & I got to go on a double-date with my best friend & her husband which was a rare and fun opportunity as well.  We took the boys & cousins to a movie before heading back home.