Saturday, December 10, 2011

Shopping Folly & Mad Dog

So, they boys wanted to go shopping at Five Below.  Jon was paired with Jesse while I was with Eric at the checkout.  I was talking to Eric as the cashier (teenage girl) rang up his order.  Keep in mind, Eric was wearing a bright pink t-shirt with the breast cancer ribbon on the front of it- that might be an important detail for this story.  So once his transaction was complete, she says "You girls have fun shopping!"to us.  Once Eric realized what she said (it may have been my burst of laughter) and that she was talking to us, he displayed a look of disappointment, but did not respond back to her.  We then walked out to the jeep to meet Jesse and Jon.  By that time, I was howling so hard I could barely tell them what happened.  Once I did, Jon says to Eric "told you that you need a haircut!"  Oh my goodness, what a hoot.  I do not especially enjoy shopping, but that totally made the trip for me.

Last evening, as we were decorating our tree, the dogs start acting funny.  Fudge was really upset and the girls were nearly at each others' throats.  Jon pulled her a way a few times and they would go right back at it.  I'm sitting in the chair, trying to calm Fudge down and she is still all upset.  Finally, I get up out of the chair and come to find out, Cindy had buried one of their rawhide chews down in the cushions of the chair I had been sitting in...the source of the contention.  WOW!  We really thought that Fudge was losing it and going crazy.  Silly, silly sisters....& never a dull moment.