Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

May just seemed to fly by.  Our last couple of weeks have been jam packed.  We had another 'trophy' weekend.  7 trophies between 3 guys...quite impressive!  Grandma and Grandpa came out for all of the excitement too.  It seemed smoother this year, probably in knowing what to expect.  Eric took 3rd in sparring and 2nd in board breaking.  Jon took 1st in pattern, 3rd in sparring and 3rd in board breaking (with one big flop down after one of those kicks).  The next day Jesse NAILED his recital songs...Lightening Bug Boogie & the Fly's Adventure and also earned trophies for his practice and song memorization.

Last weekend didn't turn out quite as busy as originally planned.  We decided not to go to the school Kennywood picnic and instead plan to go on another (hopefully less busy) day.  This allowed us some time to get things together for our Sunday picnic.  This was earlier than usual as Eric has decided not to have a summer picnic birthday party.  So, we chose to celebrate our anniversary out on Lake Arthur with a pontoon, family and friends.  24 of our 32 guests got to go out on the lake.  However, a big storm moved in that kept our picnic from continuing through the afternoon.  Even though we tried to wait it out, it took too long to clear so we gave up and packed up all of our soggy stuff and called it a day.

It was still a fun adventure, but we were all pretty exhausted by Monday...we appreciated having an extra day off.  We took it easy and played Star Wars monopoly and went to see Men in Black III.  That was a good movie too, one we would recommend.  We found it hard to believe that MIB II actually came out in 2002...but we watched the first two this past week for review this past week leading up to the new one.  The movie experience was a bit amusing too.  One of the video games was 'out of order' - because you could play it for free rather than feed it quarters...the boys LOVED that discovery.  Then, during the movie, a child just started whistling.  We blamed Eric since he was sitting separately with a friend, but just in teasing as we knew it really wasn't him.  Also, two elderly ladies came in during the middle of the movie, nearly sat on someone trying to do so in the dark and then turned on their cell phones to find their way to another seat.  I hope that is not what we have to look forward

So, tomorrow is the last day of May...June kicks off summer fun with less than a week left of school...hoorah (I think)!