Tuesday, May 15, 2012


It has been a busy month already.  We have already done Arts Alive, a segway city tour, Jon ran in the marathon relay, Eric played in another band concert, I successfully started up a Zumba class at Hiland, the boys are swimming on a regular basis & we went to Erie to celebrate Mother's Day with my family.....& there is still much more fun to come!

While we were up in Erie, we went to the zoo.  It was 'train day' but ironically, there was a problem with the train so we were delayed in getting our free ride.  It was a beautiful day and the kids were very cooperative.  We all enjoyed spending time together.  In the evening, we met up again for dinner at what has become a favorite place of ours.  Ricardo's...just a few blocks from where Jon & I got married...specializes in Filet Mignon...YUM!

My Mothers Day was filled with wonderful treats as well.  Jesse customized a cup just for me and wrote a poem/song which was just beautiful.  Eric gave me a post-it 'clue' that said Phone Home and there were Reeses Pieces there waiting for me...as well as animal crackers and Dove chocolate that we shared.  Jon wrote a poem (which the boys made him recite with his shirt off...they said it would be more romantic...lol) which included chocolate covered coffee beans and a big bottle of wine. 

We also made the trip back from Erie in the morning so we would be able to meet up with Aunt Ellen and Uncle Mark who were flying in from Minnesota.  We had a very nice time and lunch with them, although it was a soggy day.  Then, we were finally successful on our third attempt to see the Avengers....& a GREAT movie, it was.  I think we could all use another weekend to recoop from our busy weekend though.  It definitely took a toll on Jesse.  He is home for the second day as he caught some nasty bug which has him feeling awful with a fever, sniffles, upset stomach, coughing...all the yuckiness.  He seems to be on the road to recovery now though and we are all glad for that.  I'm glad to be able to work from home so I can be there for him to make sure he is on track.